Toolbox of Temperaments
I came across this facinating blog:
Bibliotherapy for families and their young children
"As a mother of two young children, teacher, and librarian, I am always on the look out for quality literature to help children maneuver through their daily array of emotions. I am very lucky to be friends with savvy parents, bibliophiles, and early childhood professionals. Whether talking about anger, a new sibling, or sportsmanship, I have found children's literature to help act as the catalyst to the conversations we should be having with our children.
Although I envision this blog to focus on bibliotherapy for parents and children, I don't want to limit our discussions to just lists of books. I have come across great websites, games, and DVDs as well. I look forward to hearing about what books, games, or resources have worked for your family. Some of the resources may not speak to you or your children. That is OK. No two "Toolboxes of Temperaments" will be alike since our children are all unique and special individuals. Hurdles that my family have had to overcome may not resonate with yours. Glean what you need from this, share your thoughts and suggestions, and remember to celebrate your child today!"
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