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A personal UCLA SIG experience

"My name is Matthew and I just finished the John Hopkins Summer Institute for the Gifted located at UCLA. There were some good things and bad things with this camp. One of the good things was that I enjoyed having in depth conversations with kids like me. I made a couple friends and exchanged emails, but they all live in other states or other countries. The food at the college dining hall was really good. The class topics were limited to ones that didn’t interest me, and I found the classes and the running of the camp much disorganized. I would not recommend this camp to my friends and I will not go back. But I like the idea of taking camps with other kids like me and I will try other ones with a specific subject that interests me and possibly more local kids."

Matthew – age 10

Posted on Thursday, August 2, 2012 at 05:28PM by Registered CommenterBarbara Klein, Ph.D., Ed.D. | CommentsPost a Comment

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