News & Tips for Parents
Entries by Barbara Klein, Ph.D., Ed.D. (405)
There are photos from Saturday's beach adventure under a new webpage: Tidepooling at Paradise Cove.
Perfectionism in Psychology Today, April 2008 issue
By Hara Estroff Marano, "The Making of a Perfectionist"
Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted
I am speaking about "Understanding What Calms and Triggers Emotional Intensity" on Sunday July 20 from 8:30 - 10 AM at the 25th Silver Anniversary SENG Conference in Salt Lake City, Utah!
I will be giving a Keynote address at the 2008 Twinless Twins Conference in Toronto with the rather long title of "Twins' Trauma & Loss: How the Unique Circumstances of Identity Development Intensify the Trauma of Twin Loss." That's at 9AM at the Toronto Marriott Airport Hotel on July 10.
And I am doing a workshop Thursday from 1:00PM-2:30PM called "How To Develop Healing Strategies That Will Help Cope With Twin Loss."
On Saturday I will sign copies of my book "Not All Twins Are Alike: Psychological Profiles of Twinship" from 8:00-9:00AM.
Twinless Twins
I am going to be answering questions that twins ask of me for the organization:
Email Your Twin Questions
In a continuing effort to explore ideas that our members will value, a Q & A type column will appear in The Twinless Times Magazine, which all members receive. First names will be used: Please make a note if you would like to remain anonymous. Questions can pertain to your relationship with your twin and your unique twin grief.
Dr. Barbara Klein has graciously agreed to answer questions of interest for twinless twins. Barbara is a psychologist, a twin herself, and author. One of her books Not All Twins Are Alike can be purchased through Twinless Twin's Amazon Book Store.
Gifted children attract the attention of the business media!
Hana R. Alberts wrote the following article (excerpted here) for
Do You Have A Gifted Child?
"Sometimes, though, identifying giftedness is as simple as pairing observation with common sense. 'The little boy who called the flowers in his garden bougainvillea,' says Dr. Barbara Klein, an educational consultant in Los Angeles and author of Raising Gifted Kids: Everything You Need to Know to Help Your Exceptional Child Thrive. 'You don't have to give the Stanford-Binet [intelligence test] to know that they are just very different children. Very special.' "
The Forbes article continues as a slide show:
More quotes:
Art, Music and Drama
"Artistic activities appeal to gifted children, who can express themselves on a canvas, in an original composition or during a skit. They may recall melodies, tell vivid stories or imitate others. 'They need to have those kinds of artistic or musical or dramatic outlets, or else they won't be happy,' says Dr. Barbara Klein. 'They are very emotionally intense children and they need an outlet to express themselves.' "
"Got an in-house computer whiz? Gifted children may learn new software without formal training, and they demonstrate a wide range of technology skills. Dr. Klein remembers a child who took apart radios in his spare time. 'Their perceptual organization is very advanced,' she says. 'They may be fascinated by that, and not as fascinated by learning to read.' A bonus: Gifted children also tend to help others with technology-related problems."
Please call me today if you are an adult twin who would like to meet other twins and talk about your experiences. I am a twin and my phone number is 310-209-0515.
Glendora GATE Parent Workshops
Saturday, April 26 @ 9:00am in the District Board Room, Dr. Barbara Klein, author of Raising Gifted Kids, will lead a workshop for students 5-8 grade GATE students and Parents of ALL GATE students. In the morning, Dr. Klein will share with 5-8 grade students some strategies for self-talk and stress management when experiencing great intensity, and then lead an afternoon session for parents sharing those same strategies and provide a forum for discussing related social/emotional issues.
This workshop is free and open to both students and parents.
Melissa Germann, GATE Coordinator
(626) 963-1611, x370
California Association of Independent Schools (CAIS)
2008 Southern Regional Meeting
March 10, 2008
Campbell Hall
4533 Laurel Canyon Boulevard
North Hollywood, CA 91617
CAIS (310) 393-5161
Understanding Social Emotional Needs of Gifted Children
Social emotional development, which includes peer relationships and motivation, is crucial to the gifted child’s success in school. Often, social emotional learning is overlooked or considered secondary to academic success. Dr. Barbara Klein, author of “Raising Gifted Kids: Everything You Need to Know to Help Your Exceptional Child Thrive,” will discuss the inter-relationships between social emotional development and school success. Based on her clinical experiences with families and schools, strategies for promoting healthy school adjustment in gifted children will be explored.
California Association for the Gifted 46th Annual Conference (see below for date and time). One of my presentations is about emotional intensity.
Emotional intensity is a natural outcome of being a gifted person. Heightened sensitivity when managed effectively is a gift. Unfortunately, harnessing emotional intensity is so fraught with detours and road blocks that mishandled sensitivities often turn into aggressive or self-destructive enactments. Parents who can help their highly sensitive children deal with their strong and often conflicting emotions will raise children who are well-rounded individuals.
Dealing with a gifted child's emotional intensity is a daunting responsibility if you don't have a direction to take when your child has tantrums, gets isolated from friends and family, talks incessantly, gets so bored that he drives you crazy, or is disruptive at school or at home.
Read more at the new page that covers this issue.