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California Association for the Gifted 46th Annual Conference (see below for date and time). One of my presentations is about emotional intensity.

Emotional intensity is a natural outcome of being a gifted person. Heightened sensitivity when managed effectively is a gift. Unfortunately, harnessing emotional intensity is so fraught with detours and road blocks that mishandled sensitivities often turn into aggressive or self-destructive enactments. Parents who can help their highly sensitive children deal with their strong and often conflicting emotions will raise children who are well-rounded individuals.

Dealing with a gifted child's emotional intensity is a daunting responsibility if you don't have a direction to take when your child has tantrums, gets isolated from friends and family, talks incessantly, gets so bored that he drives you crazy, or is disruptive at school or at home.

Read more at the new page that covers this issue. http://drbarbaraklein.squarespace.com/emotional-intensity/

Posted on Thursday, January 10, 2008 at 02:35PM by Registered CommenterBarbara Klein, Ph.D., Ed.D. | CommentsPost a Comment

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