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Glendora GATE Parent Workshops

Saturday, April 26 @ 9:00am in the District Board Room, Dr. Barbara Klein, author of Raising Gifted Kids, will lead a workshop for students 5-8 grade GATE students and Parents of ALL GATE students. In the morning, Dr. Klein will share with 5-8 grade students some strategies for self-talk and stress management when experiencing great intensity, and then lead an afternoon session for parents sharing those same strategies and provide a forum for discussing related social/emotional issues.

This workshop is free and open to both students and parents.

Melissa Germann, GATE Coordinator
(626) 963-1611, x370
e-mail: MGermann@glendora.k12.ca.us

Posted on Thursday, January 10, 2008 at 11:17PM by Registered CommenterBarbara Klein, Ph.D., Ed.D. | CommentsPost a Comment

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