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Review of Twin Dilemmas: Changing Relationships Throughout the Life Span

"Very informative and a valuable read for twins interested in delving into their own psychological dimensions. Vibrantly lays out in detail how twins from childhood to old age have unique psychological dispositions and distinct experiences/perspectives by growing up as a twin. Ultimately, being a twin isn’t just a phenomenon of birth . The unique reality of sharing a close lifelong bond with your twin goes into countless mental/emotional/social areas of a person’s life. Through this book and the author, I learned that some of my lifelong personal insights and struggles in my relation to the world have deep roots in my upbringing that heavily involved being a twin and always being close to someone , a part to a whole. This is an important read for twins interested in psychology/introspection as well as for parents of twins who want to know their children better or what to expect with having twins."


Posted on Monday, October 24, 2022 at 01:36PM by Registered CommenterBarbara Klein, Ph.D., Ed.D. | CommentsPost a Comment

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