Get Along Twin Group (Skype)
I am starting a new Skype twin group for twins who want to get along with each other and also have their own lives—a career, a spouse, children, etcetera. Getting along with your twin involves growing up and realizing that you and your twin are two different people who shared a childhood, parents, and some memories and school experiences. Of course, living this realization is easier said than done. Separating from your sister or brother takes a lot of work involving psychological awareness of your attachment and individuality.
Twins can have positive twin relationships as adults or they can fight and bring each other down. The Get Along Twin Group will present strategies to reduce conflicts with your sister or brother. How to develop a positive but separate identity with your twin will be discussed. Twins can come together to group or Skype on their own. Everyone who participates in this group will come away with a new direction for their life.
More specifically, the issues that will be discussed first include:
1. Why twins like to make shared decisions and why these shared decisions can be helpful or create conflicts and unwanted consequences and stress.
2. How do you separate yourself from your sister’s or brother’s issues enough in order to not be contaminated by those issues? Twins can be too close to one another. Sometimes worry makes them go down with the ship. Learning distance that is supportive and non-judgmental is crucial to a healthy twin dynamic.
3. When conflicts arise because of REAL differences of opinion, it can be hard to step back from your opinion. Learning to be OK with differences will be discussed, with strategies to promote differences of opinion.
This group will start August 11, 2015 at 4:30 PM Pacific Standard Time for 90 minutes, and will meet every Tuesday at that time.
Contact me at or call me at (310) 443-4182.
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