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Tutoring Gifted Kids

Dear Parents,

I am so enthusiastic to announce the launch of my new tutoring program for gifted children. Helping raise well-adjusted highly exceptional and talented children has been a lifelong journey for me. As a child I watched my mother struggle with raising my genius brother. She hailed the importance of her son being a boy wonder and getting his Ph.D. from Cal Tech at 21. But my mother paid scant attention to his social-emotional development.

In reaction to my mother’s blind spot, my two children were given lots and lots of social experiences. I spoke with them continually about their feelings and sent them to schools where individual development was more important then competition.

Professionally, for more than 30 years I have worked as an educator and psychologist and author to help children and their parents work out the challenges and kinks in their normal development issues.

All this background is a way of establishing my passion about how important gifted kids are to me and to the future of our world.

Tutors for Gifted Kids has two purposes, which are very interconnected. First, we work with your child’s problems at school, which might include:
    • listening
    • sitting still
    • handwriting
    • doing homework
    • getting along with others

Second, we provide enrichment activities to help your child develop their passion and sense of self.

Parents are invited to attend a monthly parenting meeting so they can get to know how other children and moms and dads work through the unique and very special issues of gifted children.

I look forward to talking with you about your child.

Posted on Sunday, July 8, 2012 at 07:41PM by Registered CommenterBarbara Klein, Ph.D., Ed.D. | CommentsPost a Comment

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