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Twins Sought for Dream Study

Are you an identical twin?
Are you 18 to 60 years old?
Do you remember your dreams?
Have you ever wondered if your dreams are different because you are a twin?

If you were raised together with your twin and now are living apart AND your twin is willing to participate, you can be part of a fascinating study of dreams.

You will need to record five dreams and your twin will record five dreams without comparing or communicating about the dreams. You will receive a summary of the findings and a one hour session to interpret your dreams.  All information about you and your twin will be confidential and your privacy will be protected.

Log onto www.twindreams.info or contact Margery Runyan at 970-946-0992.  You will help other twins by participating.  Thank you for considering this opportunity.

Posted on Tuesday, April 22, 2008 at 09:05AM by Registered CommenterBarbara Klein, Ph.D., Ed.D. | CommentsPost a Comment

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