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by Kristin Taveira / Newsday.com / December 4, 2006

Raising Gifted Kids: Everything You Need to Know to Help Your Exceptional Child Thrive
by Barbara Klein, Ph.D.

Purpose:   How to avoid the pitfalls of the pressure to achieve, while helping your child make the most of special talents.

Author’s credentials:   Klein has doctorates in both clinical psychology and early childhood education. Her private practice is dedicated to assessing, counseling and assisting with the special educational needs of gifted children. She has raised two gifted children of her own.

Excerpt:   “Parenting is a challenge for all parents. But parents of gifted children face more challenges and have a greater opportunity to raise children who will really make a difference to our complicated, modern world. Specifically, you face serious challenges helping develop your gifted child’s potential.”

Effectiveness:   Klein’s devotion to the emotional and social plight of gifted kids and their parents is evident from page one. She pleads with parents to remember that a child is still a child, no matter how advanced, and still needs sensible, caring guidance. Her passion [is clearly evident]. Numerous case histories reassure that you’re not alone, and are excellent indicators of how decisions might play out.

Posted on Thursday, January 11, 2007 at 07:37PM by Registered CommenterBarbara Klein, Ph.D., Ed.D. | CommentsPost a Comment

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