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Strategies to Tame Perfectionism

1.  Do not use perfectionistic criteria when motivating a gifted child, because it will intensify overachievement or underachievement, and distract from the child’s inner potential.
2.  Be careful to set realistic achievable goals that are meaningful to a child.
3.  Don’t transmit your own perfectionistic goals and ideals to the gifted child. In other words, don’t overidentify with your child or student.
4.  Understand the difference between challenging a child and pushing a child.
5.  Learn to advocate for your child in a fruitful manner. Avoid being your child or student’s business manager.     
6.  Foster intrinsic motivation.
7.  Help develop peer interaction.
Posted on Sunday, July 9, 2006 at 12:28PM by Registered CommenterBarbara Klein, Ph.D., Ed.D. | CommentsPost a Comment

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