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A Review of Raising Gifted Kids from Louise Copeland

Dr. Barbara Klein’s book should serve as a bible to all parents who are raising gifted children.
    As a gifted coordinator for the Los Angeles Unified School District for 12 years, I have many wonderful experiences working with gifted children and their parents. I found most gifted children possess all or many of the characteristics that Dr. Klein describes in her book. Quotes from parents about their gifted children are insightful and helpful. They suggest a way to work with gifted children.
    Dr. Klein possess a unique ability to help parents of gifted children reach their potential. Her strategies and examples are very helpful. Read this book—you will be informed, happy and find your job of parenting so much easier.
    Dr. Klein is distinct and she will make the communication process easier.

—Louise Copeland, teacher 35 years LAUSD; 12 years Gifted Coordinator and Reading Specialist; Private Tutor, Brentwood, CA

Posted on Friday, October 27, 2006 at 06:26PM by Registered CommenterBarbara Klein, Ph.D., Ed.D. | CommentsPost a Comment

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