News & Tips for Parents
Entries by Barbara Klein, Ph.D., Ed.D. (405)
My publisher decided my forthcoming book (September 2006) needed a new title: Raising Gifted Kids: Everything You Need to Know to Help Your Exceptional Child Thrive
ISBN: 0-8144-7342-3
Let me know what you think!
Join Us at Another Workshop for Parents of Gifted Children on Friday April 14, 2006! [DATE CHANGED TO FRIDAY MAY 19---please call Carolyn or Barbara]
Find answers to your concerns about your gifted child
•Understanding unique characteristics of gifted children and their parents
•Dealing with your child's resistance to routine tasks and homework
•Understanding asynchronous development, perfectionism, and performance anxiety in gifted children
Given by Barbara Klein, Ph.D.
Author of Raising Gifted Kids: Everything You Need to Know to Help Your Exceptional Child Thrive
and Carolyn McWilliams, M.A.
Educational Consultant and Founder of Bridges Academy
Call Carolyn at (310) 828-0978
or Barbara at (310) 209-0515 to register
DATE: Friday April 14, 2006
TIME: 9:30AM–11:30AM
WHERE: Educational Support Services
1607 Sixteenth St., Suite 150
Santa Monica, CA 90404
COST: $75.00
California Association for the Gifted 44th Annual Conference - Palm Springs, California - March 3-5, 2006
See you there!
Saturday 10:45am with Lynn Stout "The Achievement Trap"
Sunday 11:30am "An Insight-Based Approach to Understanding Family Issues of Gifted Children"
Sunday 12:45pm "How to Communicate with Your Gifted Child Using Active Listening and Empathy"
What Is Boredom?
Social and emotional issues can be as important as the development of motivation or achievement for the gifted child or adolescent. If your child is having problems with her homework or complains of boredom, perhaps you are unaware of other emotional issues related to anger or feeling like a misfit. Academic problems for gifted children are more often than not rooted in unhappiness with themselves or others.
Join Us at Another Workshop for Parents of Gifted Children on Friday March 10!
Find answers to your concerns about your gifted child
•Understanding unique characteristics of gifted children and their parents
•Dealing with your child's resistance to routine tasks and homework
•Understanding asynchronous development, perfectionism, and performance anxiety in gifted children
Given by Barbara Klein, Ph.D.
Author of Saving Your Smart Kids: A Parent's Guide to Giftedness
and Carolyn McWilliams, M.A.
Educational Consultant and Founder of Bridges Academy
Call Carolyn at (310) 828-0978
or Barbara at (310) 209-0515 to register
DATE: March 10, 2006
TIME: 9:30AM–11:30AM
WHERE: Educational Support Services
1607 Sixteenth St., Suite 150
Santa Monica, CA 90404
COST: $75.00

Join us at a Workshop for Parents of Gifted Children
Are you concerned that your gifted child does not measure up?
And do you think you are the problem?
You can understand why
• Understanding unique characteristics of gifted children and their parents
• Dealing with your child's resistance to routine tasks and homework
• Understanding asynchronous development, perfectionism, and performance anxiety in gifted children
Given by Barbara Klein, Ph.D.
Author of Saving Your Smart Kids: A Parent's Guide to Giftedness
and Carolyn McWilliams, M.A.
Educational Consultant and Founder of Bridges Academy
Call Carolyn at (310) 828-0978 or Barbara at (310) 209-0515 to register
DATE: January 20, 2006
TIME: 10:00AM–12:00PM
WHERE: Educational Support Services
1607 Sixteenth St., Suite 150
Santa Monica, CA 90404
COST: $75.00
Beverly Hills Unified School District GATE Parent Education Opportunity
I'm giving a talk and answering questions!
Learn How to Develop Your Gifted Child’s Potential
Issues to be covered:
*How to understand the variability in gifted children and their unique behavioral characteristics
*Unique problems of parents of gifted children
*Dealing with resistance to homework and other routine tasks
*Understanding perfectionism and asynchronous development
*How to become a partner with your child’s teacher and the school
*Developing a motivational strategy for your child
DATE: October 27th 2005
TIME: 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
PLACE: Salter Family Theatre @ Beverly Hills High School
241 Moreno Drive
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
School Anxiety
Children are nervous to go back to school not only to face new schoolwork but to meet new friends. Their anxiety is normal. Try not to make it your anxiety. Help your children cope with whatever is bothering them. This will teach them resilience.
Now is a good time to start preparing your child for his or her return to school. Start setting a different pace at home—perhaps an earlier bedtime and some additional reading or math games. Buy your children new clothes and tell them when school will begin.
It’s normal for gifted children to be anxious about going back to school. Be sure to listen to their feelings and concerns. Be comforting. Never tell your child that their feelings are silly or uncalled for because you could humiliate him or her and make the issue worse.
Gifted children need to be challenged at their optimal level of giftedness or talent. Challenging a gifted child is different than pushing them or having unrealistic expectations.
If you want to understand this concept better, please call me.