News & Tips for Parents
Entries by Barbara Klein, Ph.D., Ed.D. (405)
Download – Gifted Kids Have Special Needs Too!
On this episode of Special Kid School Talk Dr. Kari interviews Dr. Barbara Klein, Los Angeles clinical psychologist about the special needs of intellectually gifted kids. Many kids with extremely high intellect have challenges that often go unidentified and untreated. If your child has a very high intellect, has Asperger’s disorder, or is “twice exceptional” (gifted and learning disabled), join us to learn more about the hidden needs of your child and how to help him/her.
Or see my "Downloads" page for direct downloading of this MP3 file.
Are you a twin who has seen a therapist?
If so, would you be interested in sharing your story for my forthcoming book about twins in therapy? All stories will be altered to ensure confidentiality. Please call me at (310) 443-4182 or email at Thank you.
Annual CAG Conference in Palm Springs Feb. 25-27
Sunday February 27th from 11:15am to 12:15pm
I am speaking about:
Why Over-Parenting Undermines the Gifted Child's Potential
Hope to see you there
Profoundly Gifted Retreat July 1, 2011 in Colorado Springs
PG Retreat is an annual gathering organized by the families of profoundly gifted children. PG Retreat brings our children together for shared connections and community. Although every child is unique and beautiful in his or her own way, profoundly gifted children often have a difficult time finding true peers within their day-to-day communities. Our gathering provides an opportunity to meet, learn, socialize, and yes, even play with other children who are developmentally advanced. PGR is not affiliated with Glen Eyrie or any religious organizations.
The mission of PG Retreat is to enrich the social-emotional lives of profoundly gifted children and their families. We conduct gatherings of these families and the professionals who serve them, providing learning opportunities and fostering lasting friendships among true peers.
The Social-Emotional World of the Gifted Child
I am teaching a course at UCLA Extension, 216 Extension Lindbrook Center, meeting every Saturday, 8:30am-4:30pm, on February 26; March 5, 12 & 19.
Teachers who understand the unique personality and social characteristics of the gifted child are better able to help these sensitive and complicated children develop their learning potential. New research and insights about learning differences and special needs of gifted children are discussed. Parent-teacher interactions for success are explained and demonstrated. Case studies of issues related to gifted learners illuminate these challenging and rewarding students. Enrollment limited; advance enrollment required. Required textbook: Raising Gifted Kids: Everything You Need to Know to Help Your Exceptional Child Thrive (1st ed.) by B. Klein. Credit students must attend all meetings; no credit is awarded if a meeting is missed.
Here is the link:
Developing Giftedness in Your Teens and Tweens
Calling all Parents – Free Parent Conference!
Saturday, May 22, 2010
8:30 am - 2:00 pm
Topics relating to giftedness in teens and tweens (ages 9-18 years old) will include keys to developing talent, searching for balance, planning a road map to college, technology & education, perfectionism, social interaction, social networking, assessments, social and emotional needs, communication, and relationships.
I will speak about Understanding Emotional Turmoil in Gifted Teenagers from 10:50 - 11:50 am
Adolescence is a distinct developmental state of life when all teens struggle to develop a unique sense of self and begin the long process of separating from their family. The chaos teenagers create with their moodiness and intensity is actually an important part of their development. How parents can help their teenager grow without getting involved in risk-taking behavior will be presented and illustrated with examples from my book: “Early Adolescence and the Search for Self: A Developmental Perspective.”
STAR INC. Conference Center
10101 Jefferson Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90232
•Free online pre-registration prior to May 15th:
• Walk-in registration the day of the event: $10.
• Children’s Activities will be provided.
Please note that when you get to the 10101 W. Jefferson building, it is marked "ECO Station" on the side of the building. Turn either right or left (depending upon which direction you are coming from) onto Pearce street, which is next to the ECO building. Then, take your first right into the parking lot behind the building. Signs will direct you to the conference center. Attendants will also be available to direct you.
Twin Talk Radio Show
On Friday April 2 at 8am Pacific time, Dr. Margery (Mercy) Runyon will interview me for
Her website is
If you are a twin, a parent of twins, or close to a twin, you will enjoy the interview. I will discuss the strong influences of parenting styles and early childhood experiences on the way in which co-twins relate to each other. These methods of twinning are covered in my book "Not All Twins Are Alike."
I will also answer questions such as: "What is it like growing up as a twin? Do twins have difficulty in non-twin relationships? Why do twins fight? Why is twin loss so profoundly difficult for the surviving twin? Why should parents stress the individual differences between their twin children? How can we help gifted and challenged twins? What are the advantages of co-twins being different? Is twin dominance real?"
Parenting Your Twice Exceptional *2E* (Gifted and Special Needs) Child
If you have a 2E child who is struggling with life challenges
If you are eager to find practical parenting strategies to help your child be more successful
If you feel you and your child are caught in a spiral of negative interaction
This workshop will offer guidance and strategies you can use immediately to improve your relationship with your child, and help your child be more successful in school and in life.
When: 2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Where: Miller Educational Excellence
2999 Overland Ave., Suite 214
Los Angeles, California 90064
Fee: $50 includes materials and snack, *Couples registering together – $75
Dr. Klein’s book “Raising Gifted Kids” will be available for $17
Dr. Kari Miller is the Director of Miller Educational Excellence, a unique educational therapy facility that offers students who have been identified as having ADD, ADHD, learning disability, autism or other special educational needs a full spectrum of educational programs as well as a caring, stimulating environment where they can achieve their full potential. Dr. Miller has a PhD in Educational Psychology and Mathematical Statistics, a master’s degree in Learning Disabilities, Gifted Education and Educational Diagnosis, and a bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education and Behavior Disorders.
Dr. Barbara Klein has worked with gifted children, their parents, and public and private schools in the Los Angeles area since 1986. Her private practice is dedicated to assisting the special educational needs of gifted and highly gifted children. Dr. Klein has written seven books in the field of developmental psychology and education, including her latest, entitled “Raising Gifted Kids: Everything You Need to Know to Help Your Exceptional Child Thrive.” Dr. Klein has a Masters and PhD in Early Childhood Education from USC, and a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology from the California Graduate Institute in Los Angeles.
Parenting Your 2E Child Workshop Program Goals and Outcomes
1. Understand the role of the emotional development of 2E children in academic achievement.
2. Learn useful parenting strategies to reduce perfectionism—a key reason 2E children have difficulty in school.
3. Discover ways to avoid common parenting traps.
4. Learn ways to discipline, set boundaries and inspire your child to greatness.
5. Recognize your parenting style and how it influences your child’s academic achievement.
6. Learn educational strategies to help your 2E child be more successful with “executive skills” such as organization, memory, maintaining emotional balance, and using effective study strategies.
Finding the right school for your twice-exceptional or gifted child
Here is what I wrote for Dr. Kari Miller's webpage:
How would you socialize Albert Einstein?
My trip to Florida Southern College was fabulous, jam packed with southern hospitality and warmth. My heartfelt thanks to Drs. Hal and Margorie Roberts, Dr. Tracey Tedder, Judy Senzamici, and Jan Register for getting together such a wonderful group of parents, teachers, administrators and students.
Speaking with such an engaged audience inspired me to think more deeply about how little is known about the inner world of the gifted child and how best to develop their wide range of talents.
A brilliant though-provoking question was asked: How would you socialize Albert Einstein? My answer is simple: one step at a time. A genius needs to relate to others!